
about me

Hi, and welcome to bluejay and Crow! My name is Jacquelyn and I am a wife and mom to 2 adorable kids:
I’m also married to this amazing guy, John!
This blog is different from my cooking blog,  This is just a blog I created to keep family and friends updated on our life and where I can jot down my thoughts and insights.  It’s not as structured or as fancy as my cooking blog, but serves as another creative outlet for me. 

People are probably wondering why I named this site blue jay and crow. These are my spirit birds. Blue jays remind me that everything is going to be OK in my world. Whenever I see a blue jay, I hear the saying, "every little thing is going to be alright." Crows are just so intelligent and so darn cute. I just love how they prance around and I really enjoy watching them. They are so much more than just birds. Birds also represent freedom to me. Freedom is the ability to create what you want in your life, love what you want, play and basically just to follow your heart. When you follow your heart, you follow your guidance and higher self and therefore bliss is created!

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